The Sixth Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Commission meeting

Wednesday - 21/12/2022 02:18
The 6th Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Commission meeting was held on October 8, 2022, under the chairmanship of Singapore's Minister of Trade and Industry, Gan Kim Yong with the participation of Ministers and Senior Officials of Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, and Viet Nam.
The Sixth Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Commission meeting

The Vietnamese delegation including representatives of the Ministries of Industry and Trade; Foreign Affairs; Justice, and the Office of the Steering Committee for International Economic Integration led by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Quoc Khanh attended this meeting.

At the meeting, the Ministers listened to reports on the work of the Committees and Working Groups on the three-year implementation of the CPTPP and initiatives to promote cooperation in the CPTPP such as the digital economy, the green economy, and supply chain… Ministers also discussed the expansion of the CPTPP, including the accession of the UK and other economies. 

As for the UK's negotiating process, the Ministers acknowledge the results achieved to date and are determined to push this process forward to the high standards of the CPTPP Agreement to ensure it is a model for the process of trade liberalization in the region and in the world. In addition, the Ministers noted that more and more economies are interested in joining the CPTPP and agreed to continue their efforts to address subsequent applications for accession in accordance with the CPTPP's Accession Process. The Ministers emphasized support for economies committed to the Agreement's objectives, are able to meet high and adhere to its standard rules and comprehensive market access commitments, and a demonstrated pattern of complying with its international commitments.

Ảnh HNBT CPTPP lần 6

At the meeting, the Ministers congratulated Malaysia on ratifying the CPTPP Agreement. Accordingly, the CPTPP Agreement will officially come into force for this country on November 29, 2022. The CPTPP Member countries also expressed their hope that the remaining two countries that have not yet ratified it, Brunei and Chile, complete domestic procedures soon for the Agreement to take effect for all 11 member countries.

At the end of the meeting, the Ministers approved the CPTPP Ministerial Joint Statement. The Vietnamese delegation actively participated and made many important contributions, which were recognized and appreciated by other countries, contributing to the overall successful results of the meeting.

The 7th CPTPP Ministerial Council meeting will be held in 2023, chaired by New Zealand.


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