Function and missions


Chapter I
General provisions
Article 1. Scope of regulations and subject of application 
1. Scope of regulations
The regulation sets functions, responsiblitiies and rights of specific and general administration divisions under the management of the Department of Industry and Trade (herein after called Deparment), including: Office; Inspectorate, Industrial Management; Energy Management; Trade Management; Planning - Finance - General Administration. 
2. Subject of application 
The regulation applies to the general administration and specific divisions and the system of officials and workers of the Department during the implementation of function and duties as per regulations. 
Article 2. Implementation principle 
1. To clearly identify the function, responsibilities and rights between divisions in order to avoid overlap and lack of function and responsibilities of the Department. To ensure the unification, continuatiy, professionalism, modernity of the organization. 
2. To promote the role and responsibility of individuals in charge of divisions during the implementation of assigned duties and durirng cooperation to implement general duties. To ensure the principle that one specific sector and one duty are only provided for a division in charge of implementation and settlement. 
3. To promote competency, intellect and core ability of officials and workers; to promote the cooperation and exchange of information during task implementation and any operation according to the function, responsibilities and rights as prescribed by regulations. 
Chapter II
Article 3. General administration division 
Chief of Office: Nguyễn Như Thành (Mobile number: 0978.912.345)
1. Function 
To advise Director to regulate and steer general operations of the Department in the following sectors: organization structure, officials, public servants, workers, salary, policy, emulation and reward, administrative management, administrative reform. 
2. Rights and duties 
a) To advise Director to arrange working schedule of board of director and general operations of the Department, to prepare details, participate and take notes of weekly meeting of board of director, to issue Conclusion announcement for monthly meeting of the Department;
b) To advise about the organization structure, working position, official payroll and number of workers, structure of civil servant according to the working title in the public non business units, benefits, training, rewards and punishment for official, civil servants and workers according to the law and assigned to or authorized by the Dak Lak People Committee.
To advise on the human resource operations relating to the dispatch, appointment, movement, re-appointment, resignation, dismissal...of officials, civil servants according to the management rights located for the Department's Director.
To chair and coordinate with related parties to advise provincial Assembly to grant the title “People's Artisan” “Merited Artisan” in the sector of handicraft and to advise The People Committee to grant the title of Great Mechanic and Provincial Artisan.
c) To be main charge in the advice of administrative reform and administrative procedure control;
d) To be main charge and coordinate with related parties to elaborate, apply, maintain and improve the quality management system according to Viet Nam national standard ISO 9001: 2015.
đ) To be main charge and coordinate with related parties to advise on programs and plans of legal documents elaboration; to advise on the review and systematization of legal documents; to supervise and to deal with legal documents; to carry out legal documents propaganda. 
e) To manage finance and use the budget according to the regulations, to draft budget plan and make quaterly and annualy settlements; to manage sources of budget under the management according to the financial and accounting system; to instruct the implement of self - control of public non business units of the Department according to the law. 
g) To manage assets, infrastructures and working facilities of the Department; to suggest and implement solutions to improve the working conditions, to purchase assets and facilities for work. 
h) To manage administration, incoming and outgoing official dispatches, document printing, archives; to manage seals of the Party, the Department and union (except Sectoral Union and Inspectorate) 
i) To manage internal network, to supervise and exploit and to use the software of official, civil servants management; to supervise the informatic technology of the Department; to build up the system of information and achievement for the state management of industry and trade sector;
k) To carry out the internal protection and office protection, to cooperate with other divisions and units to implement the fire prevention and fire fighting;
l) To advise on the youth operation, civil mobilization, democracy at workplace, brotherhood village;  
m) To carry out other responsibilities as assigned by the Director. 

Article 4. Inspectorate
Inspector in chief Nguyễn Thị Minh Hai (Mobile number: 0262.3952702)
1. Functions 
To advise the Department Director on the implementation of administrative and professional inspection with the scope of management of the Department of Industry and Trade regarding the industry and trade; to supervise the law implementation, to implement the reception of citizen and settle complaints, denunciations, operations in order to prevent corruption as prescribed by law. 
2. Responsibilities and rights
a) To build up the plan for inspection and submit for Director's approval; to carry out the plan of inspection according to the responsibilities of the Department's inspection.
b) To inspect the implementation of policies, law and duties of the units, organizations and individuals which are under the management of the Department;
c) To inspect the law compliance on specific sectors, regulations on the technique - specialist sectors, principles on the sectoral management of the department, organizations and individuals who are under the management of the Department;
d) To implement the citizen reception regularly, to advise the Director on the regular citizen reception; to receive, classify and settle letters of complaints according to the law. To advise on the settlement of complaints, denunciations according to the specific law and regulations.  
đ) To advise on the division's duties, operations against corruption according to specific law and regulations; 
e) To supervise and urge the implementation of conclusions, recommendations and decisions regarding the settltment of complaints, denunciation and conclusions on the denunciation of the Director and Inspector;
g) To compile and report the results regarding the inspection, settelemnt of complaints and denunciation, citizen reception, anti-corruption and prevention within the scope of duties of the Deparment as prescribed by the law. 
h) To instruct, supervise and inspect organizations, units under the Department's management to implement regulations regarding the inspection, complaints and denunciation procedures, citizen reception and corruption prevention and anti-corruption.
i) To advise on the law compliance and state compensation and to participate on the administrative procedures regarding the Decisions signed by the Director. 
k) To be main responsible in the inter-sectoral inspection or participate in the inspection programs organized by the People Committee or Departments;
l) To inspect other specific cases as per assigned by the Director and other duties as prescribed by law.
m) To carry out other responsibilities as assigned by the Director. 

Article 5. Division of Planning - Finance - Compilation 
Chief division: Nguyễn Ngọc Lâm (Mobile number: 02623.911.212)
1. Function 
To compile and advise Director on the planning, information, statistics, compilation; plans on mobilization of investment sources to develop the industry and trade sectors. 
2. Duties and rights 
a) To be main responsible and cooperate with other related divisions to advise the Director to elaborate and submit for approval strategies, plans and policies within 5 years or every year regarding the development of sectors such as metallurgy, mechanics, supportive industry, solutions for industrial zones development, supportive programs to develop industrial zones's technical infrastructure, budget to develop industrial and commercial zones in the area.
b) To advise the Director on the implementation, supervision and urge the implementation of plans, policies, programs and strategies within the sector.
c) To participate in the programs, plans which are related to the activities of industry and trade.
d) To implement the information annoucenment, periodic and unexpected reports regarding the conditions of plans, programs and plans of industrial and commercial development according to the regulations of the People Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. 
To advise the Director on the elaboration of monthy, quaterly, annual and unexpected reports and to supervise, urge the implemetation of those reports regarding the guidances and operation of the Department.
đ) To cooperate with related parties in the process of elaborating plans to mobilize fundings for industrial and commercial development.
e) To be main reponsible and cooperate with related parties in the instruction, organization and supervision of regulations and legal documents and other related policies, plans and programs and other regulations of the sectors after being approved.
g) To be main reponsible and cooperate with related parties in the elaboration and submission for approval all the plans, programs of SMEs develoment, collective economy, cooperatives economy which are related to industry and trade sectors as well as cottage industry after being approved by competent authorities.  
h)  To be main reponsible and cooperate with related parties to advise the Director on the digital transformation of the sector. 
i) To carry out other responsibilities as assigned by the Director. 

Article 6. Division of Industrial Management 
Chief of Division: Lê Trần Tự (Mobile number:0913.448.002)
1. Duties 
To compile and advise the Director on the implementation of state management function regarding the industry sectors in the area such as: metallurgy, mechanics, petrolium, chemicals, industrial explosive materials, mining exploitation industry and mineral production (except normal construction materials), food safety, consumption industry, food industry, supportive industry, environmental industry, other production industry under the management of the Department, cottage industry, industrial promotion, industrial zone management in the area. 
2. Rights and responsibitlities
a) Regarding the metallurgy, mechanics and electric industry
To be main reponsible for and to cooperate with related divisions and parties in the implemetation of plans, programs, policies for the development of the industrial sectors such as mechanics, metallurgy, electric industry and for the development of mechanical and electronic products in the area.  
b) Regarding the supportive industry 
To be main reponsible for and to cooperate with related divisions and parties in the implemetation of plans, programs, policies for the development of the supportive industry in the area. 
c) Regarding the mining exploitation and mineral production industry (except minerals which serve for normal construction materials)
- To be main reponsible for and to cooperate with related divisions and parties in the implemetation of planning in the searching, exploiting, producing and using mineral components after being approved by the competent authorities. 
- To instruct, supervise the implementation of the standards relating to technique, economic - technical norms, industry, labour and hygine safety in the mining exploitation and mineral production in the area.
- To be main reponsible for and to cooperate with related divisions and parties in the assessment of feasibility study reports regarding the invesment on construction, ecnomic-technical reports on the construction investment and steps of construction and implementation following specific basic designs steps in the mineral exploitation, production project in the area (except normal construction materials) according the legal documents regarding construction).
- To supervise legal compliance in accordance with the tehnical safety in mineral exploitation. 
- To advise the Director in the submission for approval by the People Committee in the following sectors: propaganda, legal education programs to institutions and individuals who work in the mineral production and trade in the area; to cooperate with related parties in the organization and inspection of the mineral production and trade situation, places of exploitation, transportation, production as well as places of collecting and purchasing minerals in order to detect and suggest prompt solutions for settlement illegal mineral production and trade.   
d) Regarding the chemicals and industrial explosive materials
- To implement strategies, plans, programs and policies regarding the development of the sector of chemicals and industrial explosive materials in the area 
- To be main reponsible for and to cooperate with related divisions and parties in the propaganda and instructions of legal document and to supervise and suggest the settlement of legal breaches regarding the management, usage, trade, transportation and preservation of chemicals and explosive materials according to the law.   
- To assess and issue, re-issue, adjust and withdraw the Certificate of adequate condition for production and trade of chemical materials, certificate for conditional businesses in industrial sectors for individuals or institutions; 
- To issue, re-issue the Certificate of industrial explosive materials as prescribed by law; 
- To instruct, supervise the instruction and training, suprevise the training and issue the certificate of training on the industrial explosive materials safety techniques as per regulations; 
- To carry out others tasks relating to chemical - explosive related activities as assigned by the regulations of the Law on chemical, law on the management, usage of weapons, industrial explosive materials and supportive tools and other related regulations; 
đ) Regarding the management of safety of the sector under the management scale of the Ministry of Industry and Trade: 
- To be main responsible and cooperate with related parties and sectors in the propaganda, spread and instructions of regulations and laws and to supervise the implementation of legal regulations on the safety in the sectors under the management of industry and trade. 
- To be main responsible and cooperate with related parties and sectors in the propaganda, spread and instructions of regulations and laws and to supervise the implementation of legal regulations on the safety in general and safety in the  management, usage, preservation and transportation of dangerous goods, petrol, gas and other mechines or equipements having strict regulations on the safety techniques; chemical safety training, training on the safety techniques in gas businesses, training activities for drivers of road vehicles, goods handlers within the area.
- To instruct and supervise the implementation of regulations of the labor safety techniques assessment, assessment of safety techniques and equipments according to the law; 
- To be main responsible for the assessment and approval of documents relating to safety according to the law;  
- To issue the certificate of adequate conditions for the gas filling stations into bottles, trucks, the Certificate for adequate condition for station to refill gas into transportation vehicles;   
- To instruct, supervise and monitor organizations and industrial and trade related works; to carry out the prevention agaisnt natural disasters and rescue according to the law; 
e) Regarding the environment and environment-related industrial development 
- To elaborate and submit for approval policies, regulations and legal documents on the environment protection, environment-related industrial development and incentives to support the development of suitable according to the law and in compliance with actual conditions of the province.
- To carry out propaganda and instruction of law and regulations and supervise the implementation of the law regarding the environment protection, to develop the environmental industry under the management scope of the Department according to the law.
- To steer the implementation of the policy of developing environmental industry and circular economy, plans and projects on the climate change adaptation relating to the industry and trade sector; 
- To collect and compile data and infomation on the environmen-related statistics under the management of the sector.
- Monthly and anually review and advise the Director to report to the People Committee and the Ministry of industry and trade, related Ministries and sectors relating to the development of environmental industries of the province according to the regulations. 
g) Regarding the food hygiene, consumption industry, food industry and other processing industry:
- To implement policies, plans and programs to develop the following sectors after receiving approvals: consumption industry (textile, leather and shoes, paper, pottery, plastic, glass); food industry (alcohol, beer, beverage, processed milk, vegetable oil, flour related products and other products according to the regulations;
- To instruct, supervise the implementation of standards and technical criteria of industrial product, hygiene safety, industrial environemnt, to implement the state management activities regarding to the food safety from the production, processing, preservation, transportation and commercial cycles towards alcohol, beer, beverages, processed milk, vegetable oil, flour derivaratives products, cookies, candies, packaging of foods under the management of the sector and food safety in the supermarkets, commercial centers and other business institutions in the distribution, storage of goods within the management scope of the Department;
- To instruct and spread information, regulations and to be main responsible and cooperate with related parties to supervise the implementation of regulations regarding the prevention against fake food, commercial fraudulances in the area with food, equipment, packaging materials within the management scope of the Department in the area.  
h) Regarding the industrial promotion
To be main responsible and advise the Director on the state management scope regarding industrial promotion.
i) Regarding the industrial zone 
- To advise the Director on the implementation of functions, i.e state management function in the area toward industrial zones according to the law.
- To implement the plans on the development of industrial zones, supportive plans for the investment on the technical insfrastructure of the industrial zones; to be main responsible for the elaboration of the Management regulations of industrial zones, to cooperate with other parties in the implementation of technical insfrastructure investment plan and plans on the trade and production industrial zones according to the one gate procedures as well as uni one gate procedures.  
- To be main responsbile in the assessment of documents of etablishment and expansion of industrial zones.
- To cooperate with other related parties in the procedure of investment incentives for approval, issue the certificate for investment registration for technical infrastructure and production businesses in the industrial zones, procedures to carry out investment in the technical infrastructures in the industrial zones (including: land withdrawal, land lease, approval of detailled plans, approval of public funding projects, approval of reports regarding environment impacts, approval of fire prevention and fire fighting plans according to the rules and regulations and as per assigned by the People Committee.
- To steer the evaluation and supervise the development plans, policies, legal policies and operation effectiveness of industrial zones; to advise the Director to suggest the People Committee on the breach and other occuring incidents of the industrial zones. 
- To elaborate and operate database on the industrial zones in the area.
k) Regarding cottage industry 
To cooperate with related parties in the instruction and implementation of policies, plans, projects regarding the development of SMEs, cooperatives economies, industrial and commercial cooperatives, cottage industrial villages after receiving the approval from the competent authorities.  
l) Regarding the sustainable production and consumption 
To implement policies, plans, projects in order to facilitate the development of sustainable production and consumption within the area.
m) To assess the feasibility study report, socio-economic report of investment, to draft plans based on the initial designs of the project according to the law and as assigned by the People Committee.
n) Regarding quality management of goods
- To steer, receive documents and settle according to the conformity procedures as regulated by law and regulation on the management of goods quality;  
- To supervise the regulation conformity regarding to the goods and products quality management at the enterprises in the province. 
o) To instruct on the specific procedures on the industrial zones management towards Divisons of Economics and Insfrastructure and other related parties at commune level. 
p) To carry out other responsibilities as assigned by the Director. 

Article 7. Division of energy management 
Chief of Division: Lưu Văn Khang (Mobile number 0966.579.468)
1. Duties 
To advise the Director on the state management function of electricity, new energies, recycled energies, effective and economical use of electricity. 
2. Rights and responsibilities: 
a) Regarding electricicty, new energies, recycled energies, effective and economical use of electrics: 
- To implement plans, policies, programs relating to the development of electricity, development of appliance methods for new energies, recycled energies, effective and economical use of electricity, management of electricity demand, adjustment of sub-generator in the area. 
- To assess documents submission for approval for electricity license according to the regulations, to implement the issuance, withdrawal of electricity operation license if assigned by the People Committee; to supervise the regulation conformity of the license provided of the institutions. 
- To implement the announcement of non-conformity for electricity generation for the distribution networs under 35kV in the province according the the proposal of the supplier or retailers, distributors; 
- To steer and cooperate with related parties to advise the Director to submit for approval the list of priorities of key important electricity users who will be prioritized electricity supply when suppliers cease, decrease the supply of electricity; to supervise and monitor the cut off and decrease in the rate of electricity of suppliers within the scope of management;
- To publicize legal document and information relating to the electric operation, usage and demand management; to carry out training, inspection and issuance of card for electric inspector at the district level and at supplier within the scope of management;
- To carry out selling and buying contract dispute settlement for the electricity generation supply below 110kV according to the law;
- To supervise and monitor electricity retailers within the scope of management regarding the retail price as per regulation; to supervise and monitor the selling price at the properties for rent in the managed areas.
- To inspect and advise the Director to submit the People's Committee for approval the plan of electricity price for users at industrial zones, combining to buy electricity from national power network and from other sources (on-site electricity generator plants, electricity from wind, solar and biomass power);
- To carry out plans for inspection and urge key electricity users in the area to apply the model of power management; to supervise and monitor the application of standards, rate and technical criteria for economical and effective use of industrial, business, commercial and civil purposes issued by competent authorities; to compile the list of key electricity users in the area and submit to the People Committee for approval, upload on the website and send to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
- To instruct, manage the implementation of regulations on the electric operations, use, safety, effective and economical electricity usage and other activities relating to electricity within the areas of management; to instruct the implementation of legal documents in the inspection of technical safety for equipments and tools according to the law;
- To elaborate plans on the training, inspection, grading the card for electric safety for electricians and technicians in the rural, mountainous and border regions according to the Law on electricity and other related regulations enforcing the operations in those areas.
- To implement other assigned tasks relating to the management of construction investment projects and quality of electric infrastructure projects according to the law (to inspect the feasibility study reports, economical – technical reports of the construction investment, detailed construction design implemented after the project's basic designs)
b) Regarding the safety management of dams, hydroelectric power stations within the scope of management:
- To inspect and advise the Director to submit for People's Committee's approval: Single operational procedures of hydroelectric power station, protection plans for dams, hydroelectric power stations, plans for emergency situation response;
- To advise the Director to submit for approval the proposal for the establishment of boards of inspectors to supervise and evaluate the safety of hydroelectric power stations and dams before rainy seasons.
- To supervise the acceptance activities of investors within the scope of investment management relating to installation of dams and hydroelectric power stations in the area according to the law;
- To receive the registration for dams and hydroelectric power stations safety, to compile and create database on the technical specifications, informations of dams and hydroelectric power stations in the area; to report to the People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
- To receive the proposal for licenses issuance within the scope of management of the People's Committee;
- To report the compiled results on the operations of hydroelectric power stations in the area, send to the People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
- To elaborate plans for natural disasters' prevention and control and disaster risk reduction of the sector.
- To instruct and monitor the operations of natural disaster's prevention and control, emergency responses of the units and electric infrastructures in the area as per regulations;
c) To instruct on the professional operations and procedures of power management for Division of Economic-Infrastructure and other divisions at commune level;
d) To carry out other responsibilities as assigned by the Director.

Article 8. Divison of Trade management
Chief of Division: Trần Trọng Lưu (Mobile phone: 0962.070.777)
1. Functions
To advise the Director on the implementation of state management of trade and goods circulation in the area; sustainable production and consumption; export, import, border trade; trade promotion; digital trade; commercial services; competition mamagement, consumer right protection and management of multi-level marketing; trade remedies and international economic integration.
a) Regarding local market:
- To carry out the implementation of plans, programs, policies of management and development for commercial infrastructures such as market, commercial centers, supermarkets, retail stores for conditioned business sectors; commodity transaction centers, exhibition center and other commercial infrastructures such as commercial cooperatives, wholesale, retailers, trade agencies, franchise, logistics operations in the province according to the law;
- To steer and cooperate with related parties to instruct and implement policies and mechanism facilitating the expansion of business networks and development of goods circulation's institutions; to facilitate the creation of sustainable goods circulation channels from production to consumption chain in the province.
- To implement, instruct and supervise the implementation of regulation relating to goods, services of conditioned sectors such as: tobacco, alcohol, petroleum, gas and other goods and services business in the province according to the law and assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade; issue Certificate for eligible conditions for gas suppliers;
- To implement policies, incentives for the development of production and trade and living conditions of mountainous, rural, border, sea and island citizen, ethnic minorities and underprivileged people in the area such as providing basic goods supply, support for goods circulation and services...
- To organize good circulation operation, ensuring supply and demand for essential goods as well as goods quality and safety, sustain and enhance local market's development;
- To compile and solve market information about the total retail sale of goods and consumer service revenue in the area, total supply and demand, storage rate of goods and price fluctuation for basic goods, supportive goods for borders, sea and island citizen and ethnic minorities people. To suggest to the competent authorities solutions to circulate goods as per periods.
b) Regarding import, export
- To advise the elaboration and implement the policies, programs, plans and incentices as well as projects relating to import and export; manage and supervise the operation of import and export; develop the service of import and export in the local area.
- To manage import and export operation of local and FDI enterprises and foreign business entities without a presence in Viet Nam.
c) Regarding border trade
- To steer or cooperate with related parties in the implementation of policies of management and operation of border trade development according to the regulations of the People Committee.
- To steer or exchange information with related parties of neighboring countries in order to suggest solutions to overcome difficulties arising in the whole area.
- To compile the situation and data of operation of border trade activities, to suggest policies's adjustment and amendment; solutions to enhance border trade situation in compliance with real situation.
d) Regarding digital trade and digital economy
- To advise the elaboration and implement the policies, projects, plans and programs of digital commerce in order to develop applied infrastructure for digital commerce, to develop human resources for digital economy and commerce, to support institutions and individuals's application of digital commerce in the area.
- To carry out other state management tasks on the digital commerce according to the law and assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
đ) Regarding trade promotion
- To implement administrative procedures on the trade promotion as per function.
- To supervise and compile for final accounting settlement of the amount of money to be received and 50% of the amount of money's award announced without a winner in the promotion programs with same level competent financial authorities.
- To supervise and monitor the implementation of legal documents relating to the trade promotion of related institutions and business entities.
- To cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the management operation of foreign trade promotion agencies in Viet Nam.
e) Regarding competition management
- To publicize information and instruction on the legal documents and information about competition in the area.
- To detect and recommend competent authorities solutions for breaches of law on competition and legal documents with inappropriate contents with competition law.
g) Regarding the multi – level marketing
- To steer and implement regulations on the state management of multi level marketing in the area according to the law.
- To elaborate and submit for issuance by competent authorities the coordinated regulations between related parties in the province regarding the supervision and monitor of multi level marketing.
- To detect and solve according to the assigned function and tasks or report to the competent authorities regarding the management of multi level marketing.
- To issue and withdraw the confirmation of registration of multi level marketing operations in the province, to confirm the reception of the announcement of closure of multi level marketing operation
- To supervise and monitor the operation of multi level marketing;
- To organize training courses for officials who are in direct charge of state management of multi level marketing operation.
- To carry out the publication and spread legal documents and information relating to the management of multi level marketing to enterprises and related participants.
- To receive and solve the document for announcement of multi level marketing's meeting, conferences and training;
- Annual and monthly or prompt reports to the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the multi-level marketing in the area.
h) Regarding trade remedies
- To instruct the implementation of legal documents relating to trade remedies including: antidumping, measures against trade remedies and subsidies, safeguard, prevention of evasion of trade remedies in the area;
- To detect and recommend competent authorities for solutions relating to documents with inappropriate information with laws on trade remedies;
- To be main charge in supporting associations and export enterprises in the area to respond to investigations, reviews on antidumping, trade remedies, safeguards, evasion of trade remedies of foreign institutions;
- To compile data and operation situations on the import and export of goods in the area relating to trade remedies, to cooperate with investigation agencies in the early warning of trade remedies complaints.
- To cooperate with investigation authorities regarding the review, information provision and settlement of related issues (trade remedies) of enterprises in the area.
- To be main charge in collecting and providing enterprises or institution's information on policies and status-quo to investigation authorities in the province during the investigation of anti-subsidies of foreign institutions.
i) Regarding the protection of consumer's right
- To submit to competent authorities to issue and implement legal documents relating to the protection of consumer's right in the province.
- To publicize and speard information and training in legal documents on the protection of consumer's right, to give advice and raise the awareness of consumers about the protection of consumer's right.
- To supervise and solve the dispute, complaints and solve law-breaking activities in the field of consumer's right protection. 
- To supervise the model contract, general transaction conditon according to the law on consumer's right protection. 
- Procedures instructions on the consumer right's protection to the state management agencies at district level to implement all the related regulations regarding to the consumer's right protection.
- Puplic announcement of the list of trading organizations, individuals who break the consumer rights in compliance to the rights assigned to the Department;
- To manage operations relating to the consumer right of social organizations in the area; to facilitate for these organization to particiate to the protection of consumer rights; to evaluate programs, plan of operations of these organizations to submit to the Dak Lak People's Committee for approval;  To supervise the implemetation of duties of these social organizations; 
- To manage, supervise and monitor the reconciliation process of related institutions between the consumers and organization, institutions or individuals having businesses in the province according to the law;  
- To report to the competent authorties regarding the results of the state management of consumer's right protection by periods or as per requirements.
k) Regarding market management 
To cooperate with the Department of market management in the province to elaborate plans for periodic supervision or for prompt supervision, to build up solutions or plans for measures agaisnt fraudulent commerce, fake goods or products, smuggles within the scope of management of the Department of market management in order to avoid collapse in terms of subject and specific details of investigation with other authorities in the area. 
l) Regarding international economic integration 
- To implement plans, policies and other specific programs relating to international economic integration after the approval. 
- To steer and cooperate with competent authorities in the publication and spread information, policies and legal documents relating to international economic integration of the province. 
- To cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and other related parties in the implementation of duties and task as per free trade agreements. 
- To advise on the internationa economic integration, diplomatic operation and foreign trade information of the sector or as assigned by the People Committee.
- To implement other state management tasks relating to international economic integration according to the law or as assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.  
m) Regarding the purchase (selling and buying) goods and related operations of FDI enterprises and entities in the province 
To manage the selling and buying goods and other related operations of FDI enterprises and entities in the area. 
n) To instruct specific and professional information and procedures according to the scope of management of trade management sector to the Division of Economic - Infrastructure and other professional divisions at commune level. 
o) To carry out other responsibilities as assigned by the Director. 

Other Units 
I. Center for Industrial Promotion and Consultancy 
Director: Ngô Văn Tượng (Mobile: 0262.3395576)
Duties, functions and organizational structure and operation regulations of the Center are referred in the Decision No 360/QĐ-SCT, dated 03th Match 2023 issued by The Director of the Department of Industry and Trade regulating the Duties, functions and organizational structure and operation regulations of the Dak Lak Center for Industrial Promotion and Consultancy . 

II. Trade Promotion Center 
Director: Nguyễn Thanh Hùng (Mobile: 0918.632.539)
Duties, functions and organizational structure and operation regulations of the Center are referred in the Decision No 184/QĐ-SCT, dated 08th September 2013 issued by The Director of the Department of Industry and Trade regulating the Duties, functions and organizational structure and operation regulations of the Dak Lak Trade Promotion Center. 
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